San Jiu Wei Tai for stomach problems and gastritis





San Jiu Wei Tai 60 Capsules

San Jiu Wei Tai is a popular TCM remedy, which we think every household should keep in their cupboard for stomach upsets and emergencies. It is also worthwhile taking some with you during holidays and travel.

San Jiu Wei Tai is recommended for a variety of stomach problems, including:

  • upset stomach
  • indigestion
  • stomach ulcers
  • gastritis (stomach inflammation)
  • chronic gastritis including preventive effects on gastric cancer.

San Jiu Wei Tai is one of Chinese patent formulas widely used in treatment of stomach problems.

Recent research suggests that Chinese patent medicines, including San Jiu Wei Tai formula have outstanding advantages in long-term treatment of chronic gastritis due to their “multi-component and multi-target” characteristics. San Jiu Wei Tai has been recommended for treatment of chronic gastritis in the clinical application guidelines on Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of chronic gastritis.

Research article:

Dosage and administration: 

Adults: 3 capsules 2-3 times a day





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