Even conditions considered as impossible or very difficult to treat by conventional medicine can often be helped or eased using TCM methods. We therefore strongly believe that there is always hope and it is really worthwhile considering this alternative.
TCM can also be used as a support treatment in addition to many conventional medical treatments such as aid in post surgery recovery, IVF support, pain management therapy or chemotherapy and radiotherapy sickness relief.
In Western medical practice health is typically understood as absence of illness or disease, however we know that there are many disorders or imbalances causing discomfort and limiting person’s quality of life, which are sometimes dismissed or misunderstood by medical practitioners as not associated with a specific, identifiable medical condition. In TCM these belong to a concept of “sub-health”, referring to an area in between perfect health and illness, whereby a degree of discomfort may already exist but not to such extent as to be considered an “illness” or an “injury”. We take every health complaint very seriously, knowing that some apparently minor symptoms may indicate more complex and sometimes serious underlying causes.
The beauty of TCM lays also in the fact that it can be used even before any health problems appear. In western medicine, and understandably so, treatment is often administered when the problem is advanced enough to justify the risk of surgery, harmful side effects, and often, the costs. TCM on the other hand, being fully natural, and, when administered by a competent professional, safe and unlikely to cause significant side effects, is perfectly suited as a method of enhancing and protecting good health. On the premise that prevention is better than cure, TCM is highly recommended to anyone willing to maintain their health and wellbeing.